The online college life experience degree

You've probably seen Web sites or received unsolicited mail offering life experience degrees, just call the number and pay an exorbitant fee in exchange for the said certificate being delivered to your door within a few days, or, preferably, totally ignore this garbage. These so-called colleges are known as diploma mills offer degrees useless and which are not even worth the paper they are printed.

However, if it fits the above description, are halfway through or approaching the peak of his career and look for academic credentials, there may be real, workable solutions available. Even if you work 20 hours a day and have little time to study a degree online. Even if you work abroad. Even if you are 50 or 60.

The online life experience degree is often talked about but little understood the degree of desire of many who for one reason or another or have a diploma of higher education, or who want to add to its portfolio of qualifying after a career in high level management or professional level work. We try to be upfront from the beginning - you may need to start thinking internationally.

An online life experience degree is known by some as a VAE, Wikipedia defines it as follows:

Experience is a procedure that allows any educational institution to grant degrees in the French part or totally the work experience. A portfolio of achievements and experience of the applicant's work is presented to a committee at the school for evaluation. "

While a procedure that occurs in France, access to an online degree life experience university is less obvious than you might imagine. Many career counselors suggest you take your entire life experience and enroll in college, take courses needed to earn your degree online and that your whole life experience should be reflected in the final GPA.